Parents continue to play a vital role in the education of their sons and daughters at TMCC High School, but not in relation to the college component. The high school is a separate component of the educational process at the college, and while parents do not have a role in the college component, they are encouraged to communicate with high school teachers and follow student progress on Infinite Campus. They may be asked to attend parent-teacher meetings and will receive telephone calls and emails if/when concerns arise regarding academic or social issues. They will also receive our electronic newsletter (Whats Up?) and be expected to read messages sent via email, Infinite Campus, or on the website.
Parents will want to check out the Web pages on student opportunities and teacher expectations for success at TMCC High School.
Whats Up Newsletter
Our “What’s Up?” Newsletter helps keep the students and parents informed on the activities going on at TMCC High School. We release a monthly newsletter to ensure constant contact. “What’s Up?” is available via email, Infinite Campus or right here, on our website.
Having trouble viewing this month’s What’s Up? Click here.
Having trouble viewing last month’s What’s Up? Click here.
Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus (Parent) Portal is our tool for parents and students to access instant, online, and secure student information. Class schedule, assignments, attendance & discipline records, course registrations for next year, report cards, and transcripts are just a few of the things you can access.
Campus Portal is a means to further promote educational excellence by enhancing our program of communication with parents and students.
Please note: Parents of current students are eligible to activate a Parent Portal account, after agreeing to the terms and conditions of use.